Nos projets
“Together for Protection” Anti-child Trafficking project: Reinforcement of government mechanisms and structures at provincial and local levels in Nepal that ensure comprehensive services to victims of trafficking, particularly for children.
3 specific provinces (3,4 and 6) where the highest number of children’s homes are located
Twenty local government (LG) units in 9 districts (Makhwanpur, Kathmandu Valley, Kavre, Rasuwa, Dhading, Chitwan, Gorkha, Kaski, and Surkhet
2020 – 2023
In Nepal, child institutionalization and trafficking in persons come under the jurisdiction of two separate entities – the NCRC and the National Committee for Controlling Human Trafficking (NCCHT) – and all responses related to the two issues, such as this project, must be coordinated with both entities. The country is currently undergoing a vast political reorganization, and the federal system makes provisions for the creation of provincial, district and local level CP/TIP bodies whose mandates will cover child institutionalization and human trafficking problems at these levels. While the creation of such bodies is still an ongoing process, service providers observe that officials in those already formed are not aware of CP/TIP policies, laws, acts and interventions. Moreover, the National Human Rights Commission’s TIP Report (2018: 164) underlines the absence of an integrated mechanism that includes local and provincial governments to counter TIP.
It is thus crucial, and the timing appropriate, to reinforce both CP (through the NCRC) and TIP (through the NCCHT) mechanisms so that regulatory bodies are strengthened to effectively address the compounding vulnerabilities of child institutionalization and human trafficking.
- Policy frameworks and protection mechanisms to improve responses to trafficking in persons (TIP), particularly for children in institutional care, updated, developed and strengthened.
- Capacity of targeted federal, provincial and local authorities and service providers to provide survivor-informed services to TIP victims, particularly children, enhanced through trainings and awareness raising on child institutionalization, TIP and voluntourism.
- TIP victims in children’s homes, receive adequate protection and appropriate assistance.
- Children, identified and potential TIP victims, in children’s homes.
- Government structures (public services and personnel that are responsible for child protection and preventing TIP) ensuring services to children victims or vulnerable to TIP.
- Tourism agencies, children’s homes, including orphanages.
ECPAT – Center For Legal Research and Resource Development (CeLRRd)
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