Since its inception in 1998, the Center for Legal Research and Resource Development (CeLRRd) has worked extensively to promote, uphold and respect rule of law, good governance, fair and unrestricted access to justice, human rights and peace. Coming to the date, it has distinguished itself among other Nepali NGOs for its high-caliber legal research and for its unparalleled development of domestic legal resources. From the beginning, CeLRRd has played a pivotal role in shaping the legal landscape in Nepal. In 1999, on the basis of its research and recommendations on Nepal’s criminal justice system, new initiatives were adopted including improving legal aid for prisoners and victims support activities. Since then, CeLRRd has examined the criminal justice system in Nepal along several dimensions, including the impact of corruption on women, the counter-corruption legal framework in Nepal, laws incompatible with fair trial standards, a baseline study of juvenile justice (accomplished in 2010) and a baseline study of Criminal Justice System (in 2013) to mention a few.

Link to CeLRRd website: