ECPAT Luxembourg asbl was founded in 1995 and has been a non-governmental development organisation (NGO) since 1999. It is approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and placed under the High Patronage of Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess.
Our vocation
Our mission is to put an end to the commercial sexual exploitation of children in all its forms: combating the sexual exploitation of children in prostitution, combating child sexual abuse material, combating trafficking in children for sexual purposes and combating early and forced marriage.
Our mission
ECPAT Luxembourg’s mission, in Luxembourg and in the countries where it operates, is to fight by all legal means against the commercial sexual exploitation of children and to raise awareness and inform public opinion on the Rights of the Child in this area.
Our values
Our main values are: partnership, because we cannot achieve our goal alone; participation, because our beneficiaries, and especially children, have the right to be involved in the assistance we provide them; neutrality and independence.
Our actions
The ultimate objective of our association is to put an end to the sexual exploitation of children for commercial purposes. It is with this goal in mind that we are mobilizing all our energies and resources to know a world without the sexual exploitation of children.