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Cape Verde :

Strengthen the skills of child protection actors to better act in the prevention and fight against sexual exploitation and abuse of children.



Cap Vert, in the 9 inhabited islands.



January 2017 – December 2018



The project in Cape Verde was born from a request from a group of professionals on the island of Santo Antao for training to strengthen their capacity to address the growing problem of sexual exploitation of children in the country. This training, delivered in January 2016 in Sao Antao with technical support from ECPAT Brasil, was followed by several strategic meetings with key child protection actors such as the Cape Verdean National Institute for Children and Adolescents (ICCA), the NGO platform, UNICEF and civil society organizations. From these dialogues and meetings, the need to strengthen the capacities of child protection actors to better act in the prevention and fight against sexual exploitation and abuse of children emerged as a fundamental and urgent need.



Various forms of sexual violence against children are widespread in Cape Verde. Although the archipelago has recent specific legislation for the protection of children and adolescents, it must be noted that there are a number of inconsistencies in its implementation. The lack of political commitment leads to a lack of budget allocation for child protection programmes. The growth of tourism is also leading to the emergence of child sexual exploitation in this sector. This phenomenon poses a risk to all vulnerable and at-risk children and adolescents in the country.



Strengthen the safety net for girls and boys against sexual exploitation and abuse in Cape Verde by building the capacity of professionals and raising public awareness.


Expected Results

  • A national network to combat the sexual exploitation and abuse of children and adolescents is established
  • The capacity of child and adolescent protection professionals (State and civil society) is strengthened to address the issue
  • Knowledge of the problem of sexual exploitation and abuse by the Cape Verdean population is increased
  • Collaboration and articulation between the various actors are improved to ensure better care for victims



  • Child protection actors in Cape Verde
  • Psychologists, social workers, health workers of the Cape Verdean National Institute for Children and Adolescents, teachers, civil society organizations, etc.



250,000 EUR



ICCA (Instituto Caboverdiano da Criança e do Adolescente)

ACRIDES (Associação Crianças Desfavorecidas)

ECPAT Brasil

ECPAT Luxembourg